Whale Wisdom

The Wisdom of Whale Song!

Whales project their unique rhythmic song out into the Ocean to connect and express their intentions!

An unmistakable calling

card into the deep.

What are you sending out into the deep? Let's find out! 

In this course you will discover each Whale has it’s own unique song to sing. Learn to listen and sing your unique song with intention and meaning so you connect with what you choose more of in your life. 

When we listen and connect to Whales and their unique song it allows us to tap into their inherent qualities that will guide you on your intuitive creative journey - while painting techniques are sprinkled in every lesson

We explore preparing scared space to create a ritual that engages all of your senses and sets the mood for creating

Setting and painting meaningful intentions

Infusing symbols into the layers of the canvas that become the catalyst for what you choose more of in your life. Each yummy layer of paint is filled with your unique energy and song - MAGIC!

Whales remind us that we have our own unique creative voice and to honor the rythm of your own heArt song so you listen and create what resonates from within!

Intuitive Acrylic Painting Course that will teach you how to set, paint and infuse meaningful intentions, symbols & love into your canvas. Using painting as a modality for meditation you can relax, have fun and enjoy exploring your creative heArt with the

Wisdom of Whale Song. 

Course Curriculum - Everything you will learn when

you enroll!