What you will learn in this certification program

You are here on journey of discovery into your inner knowing.

Your sacred soul symbols are an invitation from the universe to expand your knowledge and become aware of all information that is available to you . . . ALWAYS!

I remember the first time I discovered how my energy affected wild Raptors, they became my energetic teachers. Through there guidance & wisdom, I learned about how energy flows and is used as a form of universal communication with ALL it's creatures - it is every where.

I was in my early thirties and I felt this deep inner knowing to help animals in any way I could. I researched all the options in my area and most places wanted people to guide tour groups and teach about the animals, which is great, but I had enough public speaking to deal with at work so I kept searching. The Raptor Center on the U of M campus popped up in my feed. We need volunteers to help rehabilitate the wild Raptors, opening's in the clinic and the flight crew!

Hands on - check, I have always been fascinated with birds - check, I applied and was accepted I was now on the flight team! Yay

With no idea what I was really getting into I went to the first day and learned all about what was expected of me and with some trepidation I was not deterred from my inner knowing to help.

The instructor announced - today we are going to collect a Red Tailed hawk from the holding room. I will go first then each one of you will follow in the next few weeks. Gulp - get birds from the holding room? Our trainer led us down the hall and told us to look through the door. Now this was just a regular looking meeting room with long thin window on the side by the door knob. Inside there were two long high bars where over 20 or so red tailed hawks were perched, all calm and the only differentiation was the colored bands taped to there metal bands that each Raptor is issued for research and identification purposes once they are admitted. Or caught and banded in the wild for the same reason. Research & identification.

It was now real - I had to grab a wild bird, intimidated and nervous I could feel my heart start to pound and my blood pressure and energy rise!

The instructor explained to us that first you reach your hand in, turn off the lights so the birds remain calm, then enter the dark room, take a pen light and find the bird with the color band that is on the chart the Doctors provide that designates which birds are flown that day for exercise. Then you will grab the bird, preferably by the ankles and place it in the passive restraint you were taught, then exit the room. Don't worry I will be in there with you till you get the hang of it and so the birds are kept as safe as possible.

Well as you can imagine my excitement mixed with are you F'en kidding me! Was in high, full blown, energy BOMB erupting from with in!!!

Noticing this, the trainer paused looked at me and said, birds are flock animals and read the energy of the flock as a form of communication and protection. You will need to learn to modulate your energy to a calmer more relaxed state or the birds will react in kind and you will be in the middle of a bird storm. Fight or Flight!

What - I thought modulate my energy?? She said take some deep breaths, focus on your breath. Of course she was bringing me present with breath work and it did calm me down but I had never experienced that in relationship to how my energy would affect the hawks. MIND BLOWER!

For the last 3 decades, I have been tuning into the flora, fauna & ancient symbols the universe sends us each day. It is a magical journey into your inner truth, when you remember to observe, listen & learn openly!

We will explore painting these symbols and incorporating them into your personal painting practice. I encourage you do your own research and form your own opinions around these beautiful symbols, that part of the fun!

Discover 5 Symbolic Pathways 

The 5 archetypal symbols are the corner stone of the certification. We use them as a frame work to open up to all the messages they hold for us. They are a springboard not the end result, we are harnessing their meaning & energy to help us on our way.

A question I get asked is what symbols are we painting? That question is up to what you remember and discover along the way! So so FUN!

I have chosen these 5 archetypal symbols to guide you through this certification. I created processes and creative writing/doodling exercises in concert with each symbol to help you remember, create and connect with your sacred soul symbols. Then we paint our star map, it becomes our inner landscape made visible. 

We are curating our symbolic landscape together through writing, journaling, connecting & of course painting! 

  • Each module builds upon each other to create your unique Star map. A visual representation of your unique energy, frequency and inner landscape of what brings you joy and lights you up. 

  • I developed creative processes and combined them with fun mindful creative exercises to kickstart your journey. They are designed to follow your intuition and help you open up, remember & identify the symbols that resonate with you most and those you may guide. 

Content includes:

  • 5 symbolic pathways - take you on a curated journey using mindful creativity. Each module is designed to build upon eachother as you flex your intuitive creativity.

  • Modular sections to lead you through the program with confidence and success. Each module created to level up your creative awareness and inner discovery.

  • Online step-by-step videos lessons you follow and take at your own pace in your own space.

  • Online group meetings for each module to connect with me and other people following their inner artful-heART!

  • Digital downloads of all the lesson plans, painting prompts, materials lists and more!

  • Intuitive art instruction - learn to paint and play with art supplies to ignite your inner creative badassery!

  • Receive a SSSC Certificate - announcing that you are certified to teach the Sacred Soul Symbol Certification program to your followers. Share your light and create a community of like minded individuals who support and prosper together.

  • Business-in-a-box level up option, created to jump start your creative business. Currently in process and offered for an additional cost.

You will learn to inspire and delight yourself and your creative friends and followers - through the magic of inner creative truth.

The content in this SSS certification uses existing symbols from various cultures, religions and are eons old. Due to this fact they can have multiple meanings, uses and visual variations as over time they have evolved with the cultures and conquerers that either adopted or adapted them during there reign. I tap into there inherent qualities as a teacher and guide to help unlock your inner understanding and truth. I am not an expert in symbology or religion, my desire is to share the love, beauty and symbolic meaning of these ancient marks and elegant symbols to inspire and delight you on your creative path!

Many of these symbols are used in various religious practices that I am not an expert in or have any affiliation. This course is non-denominational all are welcome, all are respected.

Now lets begin . . .

xoxo Kim

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