Materials list

Go with the flow and buy your favorite colors!

I recomend you use and mix your favorites. No rules or limits to what you can create. This sea turtle brings it's home wherever it roams and reminds you to go slow and take your time. Like the turtle you will start to feel at home choosing and creating paint colors wherever your creative journey takes you.

Explore the fun varity of colors I used in this painting, maybe you will find a few that speak to you. You can find your favorites in art, magazines and nature - for example I painted my house using the colors of the sea side.

Acrylic Paints - any brand you have will work or if you need to purchase paints buy the primary colors for mixing and a few of your favorite colors. I typically use Golden fluid acrylics, acrylics, Liquitex full body acrylics. I mix and match what ever I have, what ever brand you buy will work fine.

Optional Supplies - Flower of Life Stencil Makes a great start for the dream catcher, or a beautiful background texture not to mention creation energy! I show you an example of my dream painting where I used this stencil in the first painting lesson.

I use supplies that I have on hand, you can see I mix all sizes and brands of supplies - what ever is on sale works perfectly - do not worry if your art store or Amazon does not have these brands just buy another! is the art supplies store where I buy my supplies here in the USA. Amazon carries all the art supplies you will need as well.

Books I love!

Big Magic! Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

30 Days to Unstoppable the Dream Made Visible by Whitney Freya

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